How to help your skin transition into Spring

Spring is an exciting time of the year for most of us as we get to leave behind the gloomy, stagnant energy of Winter and welcome the warmth, sunshine, and possibilities that the new season brings.

We have the opportunity to release any energy that no longer serves us and choose which seeds we’d like to plant and witness growth from. Picture your life like a garden: Which plants have blossomed and seem to be thriving? Which ones are withering away and should be replaced?

Take the time to check-in with yourself over these next couple of weeks and decide what you want this next chapter to look and feel like. You have all of the necessary tools to create a life that you’re proud of.

Transitioning into Spring can not only affect how we feel inside, but how we feel on the outside as well. Our skin needs to shed the dry, flaky layers that often occur in Winter, in order to reveal new, brighter layers. Follow these tips to help curate a Spring-time skincare routine:

  • We can refresh our skincare routine by introducing an exfoliator— if you haven’t already— two to three times a week. This will help to slough off any dead skin left behind, as well as help to unclog your pores and brighten the skin.

  • Replacing your heavy moisturizer for something a little more lightweight can also be beneficial. There tends to be more moisture in the air during the warmer months, and makes for less of a need for something more on the heavy side.

  • Sunscreen is an important step in your skincare routine year-round, but making sure to apply it every single day during Spring (and especially Summer) is key in fighting pre-mature aging and other potential side effects from sun damage.

  • Adding Vitamin C into your routine will also help to protect you from environmental damage, and can even help to boost your skins natural defenses against the sun!

  • A Spring-time facial can help you to address any damage that may have been caused during the colder months and will also allow your esthetician the opportunity to swap out any products in your skincare routine, if needed.


Team Toccare

Skincare, WellnessBrittany