Prepping for Microneedling

Microneedling is a safe and effective treatment for most skin types with minimal downtime. Inflammation and redness following treatment is to be expected and can last 2-3 days.  Most clients report a sensation that is similar to a mild or moderate sunburn while some may also experience peeling or flaking as the skin continues to heal.

Pre & Post Treatment

  • Avoid sun exposure and the use of retinol 3 days prior to treatment.

  • Day of Treatment: Limit the use of any product for the first 6 hours post treatment.

  • Day 2 and 3: Moisturize and tone AM and PM with products provided with treatment. Minimal make up is recommended.

Precautions & Warnings

  • Discontinue auto-immune therapies or retinoid (Retin-A) and/or any form of skin treatment 3 days prior to procedure unless otherwise directed by a Physician. Not for active acne, rosacea, or other inflammatory skin conditions.

  • Not to be administered for 6 months to 1 year after isotretinoin (Accutane) regime.

  • Not for clients with facial outbreaks such as herpes simplex virus. Medication must be taken per doctor’s instructions.

  • Not for clients with metal allergies or skin allergies.

  • Any medications that would affect the characteristics of the skin should be stopped for two months prior to treatment, under the care and direction of a physician.

  • Not for clients who have had a face lift or eyelid surgery within the past year, or dermabrasion, remodeling, deep chemical peels, or any surgical procedure on the treatment area within the previous 3 months.

  • Not for clients who have had Botox, collagen, fat, or other methods of augmentation with injected materials in the treatment area within 4 weeks of the treatment.

  • Avoid sweaty exercise and sun exposure for 72 hours post-procedure. Fitzpatrick skin types V-VI: pigment may darken prior to lightening.

  • You may experience redness, inflammation, itching, and burning between 1-3 days.