Self Care Through Intimate Care

We know that we’re supposed to take care of our skin and have a regimen that we stick with (or try to, at least), and we know that exfoliating and moisturizing the rest of our body should also be a part of our ritual, but what about down there? 

We’re talking about vaginal skincare. If you haven’t heard, the beauty industry (and society!) is becoming more accepting of the fact that vaginas are a thing, and that they deserve special care and attention too! We’ve brought on a couple of brands to Toccare that we believe highlight the importance of taking care of this intimate area, and do so in a natural, yet effective way. This isn’t about enforcing the idea that vaginas are “dirty”, it’s about helping to create a positive connection between yourself and down there, and not feeling the need to hide the fact that there are issues we can come across. The belief that it’s taboo to talk about vaginas and vulvas is so last year.

Vaginas can get dry, irritated, itchy, and even lack stimulation, especially as we age, and it’s normal! But how can we provide ourselves with some relief?


Whether or not you actually need a special cleanser for your vagina (or vulva, rather) varies from person to person, but if you’re someone who feels like you need some in-shower help, look no further!

We came across Lady Suite, a woman-owned and operated brand, about a year ago and have been obsessed with their products ever since! They created their very own Probiotic Refreshing Cleanser which helps balance your pH to the ideal level of 4.0 (3.8-4.5 is considered “normal”, but varies by age) and contains probiotics which maintain a healthy balance in your skins’ microbiome.

Not sure if you have a healthy pH balance? Things like itchiness, a change in the look or smell, or a burning sensation while urinating, can all be signs that something is a little off down there. The vagina has a very sensitive ecosystem, so finding something that helps to both gently balance pH levels and add healthy bacteria back to the area (through the use of probiotics) is vital. 

For on-the-go care, we love the Refresh Intimate Wipes from Rosebud, another self-care brand we carry. These are great because (A) they’re extremely convenient if you’re at the gym, planning a night out, or if you want to freshen up post-sex without hopping in the shower, and (B) they contain no soaps or surfactants, so you can trust that they won’t further irritate whatever you’ve got going on!

Moisturize and Soothe

Lady Suite’s Rejuvenating Botanical Oil is a must have for those who are experiencing dryness, ingrown hairs, razor bumps, and redness/sensitivity. It contains Jojoba and Tamanu oil, both known to support skin elasticity and soothe any discomfort, and Meadowfoam to moisturize and brighten the area! Not a fan of oil? Try out Rosebud’s calming cream, “Soothe”, which contains chamomile and Vitamin E to help with inflammation, discomfort, and even helps to restore moisture!

These are also great for those who experience less than pleasant side effects from waxing, such as irritation and ingrown hairs, or if you’re prone to razor bumps/razor burn when shaving. Prefer to rock whatcha mama gave ya? Apply either of them directly to your pubic hair to soften and nourish it!

Have fun

Life is short and sex is fun, but what if you’re someone who experiences a lack of stimulation, moisture, or maybe you just need a little pep in your step? Rosebud’s “Arouse” serum helps to stimulate, lubricate, plump, and even offers a “tingle” sensation to wherever it is applied. It was created to help those who lack stimulation, as well as to help your body relearn how to moisturize itself naturally. Not sexually active? This serum can be used just for fun, too! 

Tip: Apply a drop or two to your lips (on your face 😉) for a plump, pouty look!

Learning to respect and nourish your entire being can create a beautiful, healthy relationship with yourself, which can then help the other relationships in your life to flourish as well. Loving and accepting yourself fully can be a hard thing to come by, but it’s not impossible, and it definitely isn’t age-dependent! Listen to your body- it knows you best.


Team Toccare

*We recognize that not everyone who uses the products mentioned may be of a specific gender. Toccare welcomes any and all with nothing but love and acceptance. We are here for you during your journey!

*Always check with your doctor or gynecologist first if you notice a change in the health of your vagina.
