Get To Know Carianna Hebert: Meditation Guide and Professional Life Coach

Toccare and Carianna Hebert from The Remedy have teamed up on numerous events and projects thus far, including specially curated meditations that are available in our spa, so we thought this would be the perfect time to offer you all the chance to get to know her! She is one of the sweetest, most nurturing humans we have come across, and we can’t wait for you all to experience her soothing and soul enriching meditations.

How would you describe what you do?

Hi lovelies! I am Carianna - a certified meditation guide and professional life coach. I work with humans to discover their purpose and design a path to self actualization and fulfillment. Through meditation, rituals, and conversation my work is to invite others into relationship with their own personal power, healing, and wholeness through presence. I believe each of us deserves to experience being fully alive, and it takes practice and commitment. The way I teach meditation is designed to be a systematic tune up of mind, body, spirit coherence. Reflective, honest, and compassionate. Same with the coaching conversations. We witness the patterns, habits, and boundaries that we have in place by speaking and listening. Do we need them? Maybe not. Working with me is a return home to you - you deserve to BE a safe place to live.

How do you like to begin your days? Do you have any rituals that you have to stick with?

 Absolutely! The rituals that are on my must have list for beginning my day are meditation, intention setting, writing, being in nature and hydrating. Before I go too far into the digital world, business, or conversation with others I go to my sacred space that I have set up for meditation. Usually I bring tea or lemon water with me to awaken the flow of internal energy. Then I set up my space to include crystals for the day, light a candle or two, have my journal nearby, and sit in silence. I meditate. I listen in. Breathwork to clear space. Sometimes I’ll write as clarity comes through or save it for afterwards. From there I will make coffee with my boyfriend to take on our morning coffee walks with our pup. Before leaving the house, I will be intentional about having a clean face. Minimal makeup these days and lots of moisture again to stay hydrated and clear physically and energetically. I allow 90 minutes for all of it before I’m really engaging with my external environment, work, or in ‘doing’ mode.

How are you staying inspired or motivated during this time?

Allowing myself to be grateful for this time - the simplicity of it - and noticing all of the love around me - even if it’s distant. Love comes through to us in so many forms - where do you feel it? Nature is an anchor for me. I’ll open my windows at sunrise to listen to the birds, or sit on my balcony in the sun. I ask for signs from the universe and allow myself to be surprised. I’m inspired by the abundance of time and people willing to support. The conversations being had in the world about our wellness and our hearts is so meaningful. I am more motivated than ever to be who I am and live out my purpose because I am doing the work to trust my value.


What advice would you give to help those who are feeling lonely?

I would give acknowledgement and compassion. You are loved, you are worthy of what you want, you are seen. I don’t know what it is like to be you, but I do know that not one of us is truly alone in this, even if we feel lonely. I would practice distinguishing feeling lonely from being alone - how are they different? There are days I feel lonely in my own home even though I’m with my boyfriend and dog. I would invite you to practice being lonely and make friends with it. What does it need? It has a home here too. It’s guiding you towards where you need to be - if not physically, in your heart and mind.


As a meditation guide, what tips or tricks would you suggest for those who are using this time to introduce themselves to meditation and inner-work?

Welcome!! My advice to anyone who is new to this practice and lifestyle is to start wherever you are right now - be you. To get comfortable being a beginner and not knowing, we all are opening ourselves up to the unknown each time we sit down with ourselves and become present. How it went before does not matter. How your favorite person does it does not matter. You have to be your own guide AND that does not mean do it alone. The guidance from me or others is an invitation to hold the space with you - you still get to choose how you respond or allow the work to make a difference. You might consider meditation and inner-work as a daily tune up. We obsess as a society over taking care of our physical bodies, but neglect or are bored by the work of slowing down to nourish our thoughts, beliefs, emotions and energy. We love to be busy, active, moving, doing, distracted, frantic, flailing - why? If you ask me what the ‘new normal’ could be as a collective, it’s more being a human and less performing being a human. Remember you are not going to be able to ‘empty your mind’ during meditation - your mind will produce thought in some capacity as long as you are alive. We meditate and become aware of the thoughts without empowering them, judging them, making them mean anything. It’s an ongoing process because everyday we are going out in the world and filling up our energy fields with information, news, expectations, rules, experiences. When we create this haven space inside regularly, we create equilibrium in our lives, and a beautiful space to live.

 AKA it’s not a quick fix. Join me! 


Are there any tools that you would suggest we utilize in order to make the best out of this situation we're all in? 


1. Each other! Let’ s connect. Be real, share what’s on your mind and heart. Ask yourself every day - what do I need? Ask the people you love - what do you need? Now is not the time to shy away from intimate relationships, with ourselves and others. You deserve to be fully seen and heard.

2. If you don’t already have a journal, invest in something to write in and express yourself. When you feel yourself getting triggered, scared, or activated - explore. Listen to yourself. Clear it so it doesn’t come out sideways. You can still experience anger, sadness, and fear and BE COMPASSIONATE about it.

3. Move your body. What are your favorite online classes? Invite your friends to tune in at the same time.

4. Meditate with me - I offer live virtual guided meditations during the week! Right now we are meeting at 7am ET and 8pm ET Sunday through Friday. Follow me on instagram @cariannalynne for updates on times or check out my website

5. Try coaching, therapy or talking to someone about your vision and dreams. It matters so much right now that we are still holding space for a beautiful future. Why not use this time to design it the way you want it to go??

6. Have a list of 10 things you know you can do for self care so that when your feelings take over, you have a map to guide you back home. Bath, prayer, self-facial, meditate, walk, factime a friend, cuddle etc.

Carianna also has a 30 day meditation challenge going on right now to help us all through this difficult time. It’s free and we promise you’ll fall in love with her after just one mediation! Check-out the link here to learn more about this challenge and how to participate!


Team Toccare
